Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Stuck in the Closet Forever is Officially Open

So today, in my sadness, I decided to write a blog about my experience in the closet.  I have been hiding, leading a double life since as far as I can remember.  I can't and won't come out due personal reasons.  So I guess, I'd be this crazy lonely for forever!

What prompted me to write is this guy whom I met on Planet Romeo. Let's call him heartbreaker20. After several weeks of texting and meet plans, we finally saw each other 3 weeks ago. It was a pleasant meet up, we went to a videoke bar, he is a very good singer. I can sing too, but his singing is superb! Then we went around a mall looking for nothing, but talking at the same time. I am new to this, so I really feel awkward but he probably sensed my inhibitions that is why he took the lead in everything. At 20, I appreciate how mature he acts. We capped that meeting with some fun behind closed doors.

We met again after two days, we realized we live pretty close to each other. I went to his place and we spent some late night hours cuddling and kissing. So I though it was going well..

It went downhill from there.

After several attempts to see him again, he relented today. Only to be disappointed. Felt rejected, lied to and taken advantage of.

So there, today, I promised myself not to get too attached to a man. Keeping my fingers crossed here... ;)

Someone please tell me why matters of the heart is so complicated.

I leave you all with this quote.

"I've learned that you cannot make someone love you. 
All you can do is be someone who can be loved. 
I've learned that no matter how much I care, some people just don't care back 
And it's not the end of the world."

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