Monday, November 12, 2012

Dimples For The Third Straight Day

This is really something. I saw Dimples earlier today for the 3rd straight day. We had lunch at Tokyo Tokyo MOA and then decided to watch a movie. But before going to the movie, we browsed for books at Fully Booked. He showed me the stuff that he reads, some of them I already read before but majority of his books I've never consider to read.

True to himself, he teased me again, in one of the aisle, he touched me, swiped my mid section that I right away got a hard on. He also touched me there. I can't believe I can do that in a public area. But I can say, I'm pleased at myself for exploring this kind of game. I am liking it!

So he picked the movie to watch, Wreck It Ralph. It was nice 3D movie, funny and full of surprises. As  in all the surprises of the movie, I was amazed at myself as well. Didn't know I could watch and make up at the same time. Never done that before! Again, Dimples has shown me how to be adventurous. I am discovering myself as I spend more time with him.

He introduced me to the art of licking fingers. Boy oh boy, oh boy! His tongue can make me come by just sucking and licking my fingers. I want to kiss him every time he would ran his wet tongue through my middle finger. He would slowly move or suck both my middle and ring fingers! Ecstasy!

This is really too good to be true. I have added him on my Facebook just to know more about him. And I have a feeling, Dimples is on a rebound. His status updates are showing some relationship problems. I could be wrong. Keeping my fingers crossed, I don't want him to break my heart, I am beginning to really like him.

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