Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Mr. Bedminton

I decided to name the guy I met in the bathroom at Harrison Plaza Mr. Bedminton. Why Mr. Bedminton? He plays badminton and because he is really good in bed as well.

We live not very far from each other. Mr. Bedminton knows that I regularly run along Roxas Blvd and CCP area in the evenings. So while I was resting at 5:30 in the afternoon, got a text from him asking if he can tag along because his game at the Villamor airbase is cancelled. I said yes right away. Usually, I start running at 6:00pm and finish in an hour so I'd be home at 7:30pm. Since he will come I had to wait and we started running at 7:30. It was a good easy run. We talked and he told me stories about his younger years. Mr. Bedminton is working me up, I realized too late. We started to rest by walking when we reached the old Manila Film Center. He was telling me how exciting that area was, I believe him because it was dark in that area and anything you want to do is possible in a light deprived area.

I thought right away that it would be nice to take photographs of the sunset from there and perhaps do a little bit of urban exploration. Little did I know that he has  other agenda. Mr. Bedminton hinted some action and act I did! It was a first for me. Didn't know that I can be part of the many people who have experienced the carnal calling in the infamous Manila Film Center.

Above is a photo I dug, not mine so credit goes to the internet. But you can only imagine, those big pillars can discreetly hide any actions in the dark. But I won't go there alone. Dangerous!

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