Wednesday, November 14, 2012

It's Only Getting Better

Yesterday, I went to a job interview in the Ortigas area. I asked Dimples for directions because I am not familiar to the area where the company is located. What he didn't tell me is that it's at the same building where he is going to start working as of yesterday. He only told me when we met before he started his training. You see, after my interview, I went to Old Manila Coffee House at Galleria to relax and enjoy the good ol' coffee. He texted me asking where I was, and told me to wait for him at the coffee shop. 

So I waited, it didn't take him long to get there. He dropped the hiring packet on the table upon seeing me and it put a big smile on my face. I saw the name of the company that hired him. No it wasn't the same company I interviewed earlier but it's in the same building! Now, I am really excited. I am keeping my fingers crossed on my job application, I want to get this job so badly now that I know there is a big opportunity for the two us to work in the same building. 

My mind suddenly ran wild. Ever heard of FUNCH? Well, if you don't have any idea, Funch is sex during lunch! I haven't done that, ever. For the first time, I so badly want to experience it with him. Told him about it and he said he hasn't experienced it as well. I would be really disappointed if I don't get a call back from this company I interviewed for yesterday! 

On the other hand, Mr. Bedminton, also texted me yesterday. Asking if I could wait for him to get off from work so we can go his apartment. I was already on my way back to my house when I got his text. Missed opportunity. Maybe tomorrow is a better day, we agreed. 

On another note, I didn't want to take a cab back to my house so I looked for the Ortigas train station. I didn't know why I couldn't find it. What a dumbass! So I decided to take the bus instead, however, I took the wrong bus. It's been a long time since I last rode a public bus. Definitely, I didn't have a clue which one to take. So I ended up at MOA. I am supposed to take a bus that would ply the Buendia/Pasay Route. Oh well, lesson learned, I have to re-learn Manila's public tranpo system. 

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