Monday, November 26, 2012

First Is A First

So I spent Friday night at Dimple's apartment. He invited me back and that was big surprise. He told me a while back that he can't bring men he go out with to the apartment he shares with two friends because that's a rule they have agreed upon even before they moved in last year. I was doing virtual cartwheels, really! We went to his place and it was a nice studio apartment especially for 3 bachelors. We sat on his bed but he won't sit still, moving around and trying to fix things inside the apartment. I can tell he is very uneasy, but I was just cool. When he finally sat down beside me, he gave me a long but very lustful kiss. i was even panting when we broke up from the lip locking. I stayed for another hour and all we did was make up and grope each other. We never got to the point of undressing each other. I wasn't expecting anything to happen that nigh, but it would've been great if we did go all the way. I am a patient man, if he didn't want to do it, I can wait. I waited long enough so it won't hurt if I wait for another day, week or month… Didn't realize it was part of his game. He was teasing me til I beg for him to make love to me again. I wan't giving in, well at least on that night. lol.. 

But I definitely needed to release the heat. So I had to jack off when I got home. How I wished he was with me to help me release that heat! 

Dimples said that I am the first guy he ever brought back to his apartment. Hmmm… I dunno what to think of it… But I surely don't have to over analyze things. What's important is that he made me feel very special and I am loving it. 

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