Friday, November 2, 2012

It's Nice To Be Back Home

It's so nice to be home for good and it's nice to have spent my first All Soul's Day in my hometown in Batangas for the first time in 7 years. Saw my cousins and my siblings. Just annoyed a little bit because my relatives were all asking why I came home. You see, I was in the US until June this year. I had to come home because my visa was not renewed by the company I worked for when it suddenly close shop. So it wasn't an easy decision, I had to come home and not risk my status. It's just so hard to explain to every single member of the family.

Oh well, that was just a little trouble compared to how warm welcome I received. One of my aunts cooked her special Sinigang Tanigue and Sinaing na Tulingan just for me! Because she knows that I love both fishes. And then an uncle whom I rarely talk to sent me some pickled mustard that I like to eat with fried fishes. Good thing nobody sent anything sweet! Because I won't refuse leche flan, halayang ube, or bibingka! lol..

When I went to the cemetery, my eyes were busy. Discreetly looking for men that is... ;) There some eye contacts but I couldn't do anything because I was with my brothers and some cousins. Oh well, it's not like I can always go with anyone who has given me the signal anyway. The story of my closeted life!

Oh well, until the time that I can really enjoy being gay, I'll make myself contented with just looking and admire good looking men!

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