Monday, November 5, 2012

Smiling From Ear to Ear

Didn't know that CR's or public bathroom's are a great place to cruise. Two weeks ago I was at Moonleaf at the Harrison Branch and was just minding my own, staring at my macbook and browsing through my the websites that I normally visit. When from the corner of my eyes I saw this guy staring at me. I stared back with a little attitude, briefly, until I realized that he was looking at me with some interest. Hmmm... I decided to walk to the CR across and gave him another look, like telling him to follow me. Soon enough he joined me in the CR and gave a me a show! I was just staring at him and his tool when another guy came in so we had to get out. I told him on our way out that I'll just collect my stuff and I'll meet him at Mercury Drug.

So we did meet at the drugstore. We exchanged numbers and we said our names. After a few minutes of talking to each other, we decided to go to an intimate place. You can tell how horny I was on that day, cuz, I don't normally go to a motel with a guy I just met. I was so glad we went in the motel! The experience was so great. We had a wild time, he was so crazy wild that for the first time, I was cursing and calling all the names of the saints while we were in the middle of an intimate encounter. I knew from then on that we will have more great times together.

And I was right, I saw him again yesterday. He opened up to me so did I. We both know each other better now. I am not ready for a commitment yet, so we made it clear that we should not expect anything to come out of it, well at least for now. I sure like to take it to the next level albeit slowly. Meantime, I'll enjoy the time we spend together, be it intimate or just a regular meet.

Now, I believe the whole universe aligned for me to meet him. So to you universe big thanks!

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