Saturday, November 10, 2012

Didn't Know Running Can Lead to Sex

For three weeks now, I regularly run along the Roxas Boulevard area from Vito Cruz to the Manila Hotel/Luneta Area. I noticed that there are a lot of eye contacts every time I run. Some interests me but  I didn't want to mix running and meeting guys. My goal really is to run and not something else. So I just ignore them.

I guess the whole universe aligned for me again tonight. Didn't plan to run, I have so far logged 25 miles for the week, so it is my rest day. Until I decided to walk for 3 miles. Let's just say that I was more observant about my surroundings and the people when walking than when running. I wasn't really looking for anything, but I was keeping my eyes open for anything. And boy did my eyes see this guy whom made a hot eye contact with me! Passed him, I looked back and so did he. Walked a little farther and looked over my shoulder, so did he.  Made a quick decision to stop walking and watch the waters instead. He is cute, definitely the physical attraction is there right away. Saw him walking back to my direction and stopped a few feet where I was standing. We chose a perfect location to talk, the coconut trees where covering us, its leaves was keeping the lights from the street lights.

We talked, exchanged our names and numbers. Touched each others private parts, he told me he is horny, but we both don't have a place. Darn, I told myself. Didn't have enough money to go to a motel. So we decided to walk back to my condo so I can get some money. He waited at a nearby 7-11.

We ended up at Sogo in Malate. I ordered a room with food because we were both hungry. He wanted to make a quick shower, but he couldn't seem to find his way to the bathroom. He was kissing me all over, sweet kisses! I don't normally kiss, with him, I find myself wanting to kiss more and more.  This is also the longest foreplay I've ever done! On a hindsight, I think it would have been alright if there was no actual sex. That's how good the foreplay was.

For the first time, I was with a guy whom I can comfortably talk to. We went to 7-11 for snacks then decided to get coffee at CBTL so we can talk some more. I like this guy, I wonder what I will call him?

Oh I know, Dimples... Cuz he has the cutest dimples!

Before we parted, Dimples asked if there will be second time. Definitely, I said! I want to get to know Dimples better. Not looking for a serious relationship, but he is someone I can see myself with.

Let's see where this will lead us! I plan to see him again later today. Invite him for dinner or run instead.

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