Thursday, November 22, 2012

Will It Work?

Four days ago, I asked Dimples, if we can be exclusives. We are acting like we have a relationship anyway so I was thinking if he is spending so much of his time with me, might as well label our current situation. I am not ready for a stronger commitment, if it happens I will gladly accept it. Call this a testing point before we officially commit to each other as boyfriends.

He said he is cool with the idea. But then the the other night, I asked what he really want from me. Cuz I feel that he is more serious than I am with him. I don't know if he was kidding, but he said he wants us to be boyfriends. Whew! I am not really ready for that but I told him that it that's what he wants I'm down with it! But lost the moment cuz it took me a few seconds to answer him. He felt bad, so did I. It's just that everything is happing too soon for both of us. I am just afraid that it might go the other way. So I wanna take things slowly, but sometimes, people come into your life and you know right away that they are meant to be there; they serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson, or help you figure out things. That who he is and what he is doing to me. Guess, I should not resist this anymore, it will happen anyway.

Will this work? God only knows.

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