Friday, November 16, 2012


Between Dimples and Mr. Bedminton, I can't decide whom I like the most. One thing for sure, I'm more emotionally attached to Dimples, I can probably spend all day with him talking about anything under the sun and will never be tired or bored. While with Mr. Bedminton, I can't last an hour, he doesn't read books, not into music and so we have limited topics to talk about.

In the bedroom department, they both have their own qualities. Tool size don't matter to me, well at least for now. I am more concerned about my emotional attachment to the guy I am with than size. Mr. Bedminton is very agressive in bed, his actions are mostly forceful, touch, kiss, humping, everything! My passiveness in bed is totally achieved when he is performing. While Dimples is not as agressive, he has the tendency to be more romantic, his kisses are soft and gentle, and he makes sure that everything he does is going to be a fun experience for both of us. Dimples like long foreplay, while Mr. Bedminton is not but can perform two times in a row. Having said that, I couldn't decide which I prefer in the bedroom.

Dimples is more carefree, I think it's because he is younger. When we are together, he would steal a kiss on my lips, hold my hand or discreetly touch my finger. He definitely knows how to hold my guard down. While Mr. Bedminton don't do any of it while in public, so I can be as discreet as I can be when I am with him. This is still confusing for me...

I am trying to make a good assessment of my current situation with both guys. Sooner or later I'll have to take things to the next level with either. Maybe, it is too early to think about that, but this is me. I try over analyze everything. And probably because I am too old and too tired to find a good partner.

Meantime, I'll chill with both guys and see how it's going to go. I can't force anything if it's not meant to be.

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