Sunday, December 2, 2012

Back To The Grind

Starting tomorrow, I will be working again as an IT Recruiter. Will be working nights, weekend off and will be following the US holidays. Of course, will be working on local holidays with double pay. Best of both worlds!

But I am a little sad that I will not be spending as much time as I want with Dimples. He will be working nights as well but our rest days will not be in sync. Oh well, we will try to work it out I'm sure.

We had been going out since Wednesday. He is usually the one who asks if we can have dinner before he go to work at 11pm. I never said no to his invitation, cuz I really want to spend more time with him. I know that when I start with this new job, I'd have difficulty finding time to be with him. So I didn't mind going to the Ortigas area just to spend a few hours with him.

So let's see how things will go from tomorrow. This will be a merry christmas I know, because I have a new job and the job pays well!

Alone Time Not Successful

Sunday. Had dinner at Banapple in Ayala Triangle and watched the lights. Was home pretty early, so I got bored at around nine in the evening. I decided to go to Starbucks People Support to catch up on my reading. I have to finish reading Life of Pi, I promised myself.

Went there and ordered venti Christmas Blend coffee. Love this brew! It has a bitter taste to it but very pleasant taste. At this point I realized that I haven't texted Dimples in 5 hours. Didn't want to text to invite to join me because it has only been less than 24 hours that we spent a passionate time together. Yet after an hour of debating with myself, found my fingers typing up a text. I was almost done, when a text from him came in. So I told him where I was and he was annoyed that I didn't tell him earlier. He said he was having a late night snack and if I want I could go over to join him. Didn't want to go to his area so I suggested that we meet at Northpark instead.

Long story short, we had a great time. Our conversation is varied, but most of the time goes back to  music and books. Never a dull moment. He is definitely growing on me.