Sunday, December 2, 2012

Alone Time Not Successful

Sunday. Had dinner at Banapple in Ayala Triangle and watched the lights. Was home pretty early, so I got bored at around nine in the evening. I decided to go to Starbucks People Support to catch up on my reading. I have to finish reading Life of Pi, I promised myself.

Went there and ordered venti Christmas Blend coffee. Love this brew! It has a bitter taste to it but very pleasant taste. At this point I realized that I haven't texted Dimples in 5 hours. Didn't want to text to invite to join me because it has only been less than 24 hours that we spent a passionate time together. Yet after an hour of debating with myself, found my fingers typing up a text. I was almost done, when a text from him came in. So I told him where I was and he was annoyed that I didn't tell him earlier. He said he was having a late night snack and if I want I could go over to join him. Didn't want to go to his area so I suggested that we meet at Northpark instead.

Long story short, we had a great time. Our conversation is varied, but most of the time goes back to  music and books. Never a dull moment. He is definitely growing on me.

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